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  A very important part of my life is my dog SAMSON!  He's a Golden Retriever who just had his 3rd birthday.  His pedigree name is Nugold Go Sunny, but I wanted to call him Samson Duke.  Samson means "sun" and I think Duke is a tough-sounding name.  He was born on 22 Sept. 1998, and has lived with me since he was 8 weeks old.  He comes from a family of champion show dogs (including Western Australia's top winning dog), but we won't be showing him.  His main job is to be our friend and family member, which he does very well.  He's a great dog, and I'm so lucky he's mine!

Pictures of Samson and Me


We've both grown a lot these past 3 years!

(As usual, click on a small picture to see it enlarged and read the caption.)


Meet Samson's Mum and Dad...

His mother is "Bossy"

Pedigree Name:   Nugold Apartov Rosie
Sire:   Ch. Chaleur Acclaim To Fame
Dam:   Shogold Desert Rose
Bossy is the first of the next generation of Nugolds (bred in Perth, Western Australia).  Bossy's sire, better known as "Kruger" is currently Western Australia's Top winning dog!  Owned by Ruth Lee, he is a true gentleman and excellent showman who excels in the ring.  Nugold has incorporated UK and Australian bloodlines in their dogs. Bossy has only been lightly shown to date.  She has had several class in group wins.


His father is "Diesel"

Pedigree Name:   Ch. Shogold Winston Charlton
Sire:   Ch. Shogold Dom Perignon
Dam: Shogold Sheza Delight
Diesel is Nugold's Foundation dog.  Born September 1995, and maturing well.  Diesel has had Best in Group, Runner up in Group , Multi-Class in group and Class in Show wins as well as taking Junior in Group at Perth Royal Show 1996.  Diesel is also from Queensland,  bred by Sandra McKenzie Stephenson.  Diesel came to Nugold after almost a 4 year wait for a son of "Dom".  He is a beautiful boy, strong bone, great nature, full of life and so loyal.  Diesel has currently sired 4 litters.  Some of his offspring having already tasted success in the show ring and others bringing joy to their family owners.  Diesel's Hip Score is 3:4 Elbows O:O with a current clear eye certificate. International Grade "A".